How Technology is Impacting the Pan-African Sports Space

Gabriel Ajala

February 07, 2023


The Technological innovations advancing the Pan-African sports industry

This month Cape Town will be the first South African city to host a Formula-E circuit, with the race taking place on the 25th of the month following the 10-day e-Fest.

With all the vehicles running on renewable energy, this circuit provides a perfect platform for Cape Town to raise awareness of issues such as sustainability, technological advancements, climate change. All of which are pivotal topics in the current climate.

But it isn't only through motorsports that we are witnessing the impact of technological advancements. Various sectors such as engineering; pharmaceuticals & entertainment have advanced due to technology in providing greater service or products to their customers.

This is no different to the pan-African sports landscape where the use of technology has been key to develop the industry in player & talent identification; consumer engagement; engaging with content and generating more revenues.

For example, with the increase in African mobile gamers growing from an estimated 77 million in 2015 to 186 million in 2022, causing accelerated investment in this sector, shows just what can be done in Africa due to technological advancements.

Furthermore, consumer expenditures in Africa are expected to rise to $2.1 trillion by 2025 and $2.5 trillion by 2030. This rise in Africa's growing middle class means more have smartphones & signals an increase in their appetite to consume content, a key reason for the NBA's investment into the continent.

This upcoming series will look at how key innovations in technology & sustainability have improved the sporting landscape for both business and consumer. With a dedicated focus each day, we will delve into each subject matter.

Below is the proposed schedule for the Series:

Monday 20th February: 5pm GMT / 7pm CAT

The growing influence of eSports in Africa & engaging youth

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Tuesday 21st February: TBC

Wednesday 22nd February: TBC

Thursday 23rd February: 5pm GMT / 7pm CAT

Using Data & Analytics to create a structured pathway for Athletes

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Friday 24th February: 12pm GMT / 2pm CAT

FIFA Digital Skills Platform: How it benefits African Associations

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Gabriel Ajalas image

Gabriel Ajala

Gabriel Ajala is the Founder of ASU!

African Sports Unified